Life as we know it has radically changed and if we are struggling, imagine how our children are feeling. Parents are working from home, no more visits to family, no sleep overs or parties, no play gyms and playgrounds, and now school holidays have started early but they can’t catch up with friends.
For younger children this disruption to their schooling most likely won’t have a long-term impact. However older students in year 10, 11 and 12 are in a very different situation. They are expected to continue to learn and complete assignments in a completely new learning environment, often without the right resources at home. They no longer have their sporting or social clubs to socialise in and are missing their friends and peers.
How can we help our children?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
As you can see in the above diagram the most basic needs of children are to not only have their physical needs met (food, water warmth, rest) but they also need to feel safe.
Support and encouragement is the best thing we can give our children right now. They may not be in the right mindset to work at the moment, but that will pass with the knowledge that they are safe.
Additionally, our children need to keep a social life. It is vital that they remain in contact with family and friends and their extended social group. So, allow them time on social media and their devices, in this time of social isolation, this is their only means of connection with the outside world.
The final step that our children need to achieve before schoolwork will become a priority for them is a sense of accomplishment. Even small things will help them feel this during these strange times.
- Brought a glass back from their room – ‘Great Job!’
- Didn’t leave their towel on the floor – ‘Thanks for helping’
- *HAD* a shower – ‘I’m so impressed with how you’re doing’
Finally, as all of the lesser needs have been met, or partially met, the students are able to focus on their school work. And teachers are trying their hardest to ensure this work is interesting, engaging and easy to do at home. However, this is not an easy or quick task and teachers are learning at the same time.
The world has suddenly changed for our children and they are figuring this out at the same time as we are. They need our help to do that, before they start on their school work. So lets give our children a break.